Blacksmithing Since 1851

Latest Project

Diamond Coring

Diamond Coring

Stich coring through the 1m thick prominade wall in Dunoon for new water pipe.

2nd August 2017


About Us

George H Currie Blacksmiths have invested in modern cutting and welding techniques which will enable the Smiddy to move into the future with confidence while maintaining the traditional skills of the trade.


First Generation.
In 1851 John Currie came to Sandbank and built a small smiddy on land feud from Hafton estate. He was the younger son of the Curries of Knockamillie Innellan.

John Currie served his apprenticeship in Glasgow as a blacksmith in the Vulcan iron works.
He therefore named his local smiddy “Vulcan Place” from Vulcan the “God of fire.”

It was during his apprenticeship in Glasgow that John Currie was to meet his future wife Isabella.

The reason for coming to Sandbank was the gunpowder mills at glen lean in the village of Clachaig. The smiddy was kept busy shoeing the 100 horses and maintaining the carts which transported the materials to and from this mill.

Second Generation
By the time the mills had closed, yacht building yards were starting up in Sandbank. It was around this time that Archie Currie took over the business.

He became a master at forging the many fittings used in yacht building. Tempering chisels for the masons who were building the many fine country houses.

He made ploughs, harrows etc., for the agricultural industry, including some which were sent to Canada. He also made horse shoes for the army during the First World War.

Third Generation

George H Currie was a Farrier in the first world war. In the 20’s & 30’s the main occupation was yacht work, farming and making gates and railings for the new houses being built.

During the 1939-45 war work on admiralty and air force launches being built in Morris & Lorimer’s yard.
After the war, the return of big yachts from admiralty duties created re-fitting work.

Forth Generation

George’s sons Archie and Iain new that for the company to survive they had to look for a wider customer base which enabled the businesses to take on work in new sectors including the ministry of defence’s security and fabrication work for the many local building firms.

Fifth Generation

Archie’s son Finlay runs the company today along with Iain, Archie’s brother. He knows the importance of keeping the old traditional skill but is also very aware that new equipment and investment in new skills is the way forward for this company now in its 168th year.

Sixth Generation

2016 marks a very important year for the future of the company as Ben, Finlay’s son turns 18 and leaves school to starts his working career at Vulcan Place.

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